Personal Poject over on instagram, read below the captions that I wrote for the tips.
One of the reasons why waking up at 6am is my New Years resolution, is because I wanted to start the work day with an hour of drawing for myself. Last week I worked on this.
This whole week will be the body posi take over. There’s something about January that is personally really triggering for me. I used to have an eating disorder and even though I’ve gotton through it and really do love and accept my body now, It was a very long journey.
When looking at body positivity it may feel like a gigantic mammoth task, and I defiantly felt that way when I first heard of the movement. I didn’t know where to even begin, and believed it just wasn’t possible for me. So, I thought long and hard about the things that really helped me get to where I am now, and I will be posting them on the grid this week alongside an illustration.
Body posi tip number 1
No Mirrors No full length mirrors in my house, yup ….sorry pals I know everyone has always hated getting ready at my house. This wasn’t intentional, my full length mirror fell and smashed (even though it would be a better story if i smashed it myself, I didn’t) and I never replaced it because …. I was lazy and broke AF. A long time after I noticed I felt so much better without it.
I know a of you might be thinking, what no mirrors! that’s baloney! But if you have ever dealt with an eating disorder, you will know that mirrors can be the devil. My body dysmorphia was so bad I couldn’t look into a mirror without crying. Obsession defiantly played a huge role in my downfall. & Taking away the mirror, I could focus more on how I felt rather than what I looked like. I still have a mirror in the house just not a full length one in my bedroom.
Body posi tip number 2
No scales – A number doesn’t define the way I feel about myself, a number doesn’t change how hungry I am, a number doesn’t change how I treat myself. When I was at my lowest weight, I was the most unhappiest I’ve ever been in my life, because I wasn’t eating nearly enough, and for what? a number? Throughing out my scales was the best fucking decision I ever made, I havn’t weighed myself in years and I don’t ever intend to. Instead I pay attention to how much energy I have in the day, how far I can run, how strong I am and how good I feel. And since throwing out my scales, I feel so fucking good.
Body posi tip number 3
Know your measurements – Going shopping was always really frustrating for me. I’ve had many moments when I would get stuck in something in the changing rooms and be in tears, trying to wriggle out, contemplating if I needed to get help or not. I’m a different size in every shop, which doesn’t make sense at all but is incredibly frustrating! & the day I took my own measurements and actually paid attention to the sizing, I was able to look past the tag and actually know if it would fit comfortably on me or not.